How are “WE” possible?


So I’ve been doing some form of science since about age 8, I’m no genius at it but when i have a question i really go out of my way sometimes to try and figure it out. This here is one of those questions I’ve had since…..forever


OK, so….how are “we” possible? Meaning, not humans but every living thing on this planet, even those as small as bacteria. What “happens” for us to be….”alive”?

*think about it!*

SO, I’ve been given Biological, Chemical, Genetic, Religious and the occasional “smack to the face to stop asking these questions!” type of answers. And they all result in someone telling me “That’s just how it is, accept it”. If you know me , you would have noticed that i don’t just “accept” anything.

How does a series of chemical reactions per second make me, different from you? 

Taking it a little further, how does a giant forever changing block of atoms, and their sub atomic constituents give us the ability to do simple things like:

  • Dream, think, IMAGINE
  • have moods and personalities
  • remember scents, make what one person sees as orange to be red to another
  • Be unique!

Of course in this day and age we can simply Google these things and get ten paged articles about chemical reactions or whatever , but they all fail (well at least to me) to get right into the root of what is really happening 😦

Maybe i ask too much, maybe i just don’t understand, maybe we just don’t have those kinds of answers yet or our minds simply cant comprehend its dual simplicity/complexity of the matter. I’m young and I’m human so it can’t be helped.

And with that i leave three quotes for now.

“Man is the only animal for whom his own existence is a problem which he has to solve.” – Erich Fromm


“My mind rebels at stagnation. Give me problems, give me work, give me the most abstruse cryptogram, or the most intricate analysis, and I am in my own proper atmosphere. But I abhor the dull routine of existence. I crave for mental exaltation.” -Arthur Conan Doyle


“We are too content with our sense organs It’s no longer enough to see as a man sees — even to the ends of the universe” -Loren Eiseley

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